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Anti-Corruption Policy

Plus Tech Innovation Anti-corruption Policy
Plus Tech Innovation Public Company Limited has an ideology in conducting business with integrity. By adhering to social responsibility and all groups of stakeholders according to the code of conduct and good corporate governance as well as policies and guidelines for various groups of stakeholders of the Company.
To ensure that the company has a policy to determine the responsibility, guidelines and requirements for proper operation to prevent corruption in all administrative activities of the company and so that decisions and business operations that may have a risk of corruption are carefully considered and acted upon. The company has prepared “Anti-Corruption Policy” in writing to be a clear guideline for conducting business and developing into a sustainable organization.
Anti-Corruption Policy
Directors, executives and employees of the Company are prohibited from operating or accepting any form of corruption either directly or indirectly covering all businesses and all related agencies both domestically and internationally. The Company conducts regular audits of compliance with this Anti-Corruption Policy, as well as reviews of practices and requirements for compliance with business changes, regulations and legal requirements.
1. Company directors, executives and employees at all levels must comply with the anti-corruption policy and the Company’s Code of Conduct without being involved in corruption, whether directly or indirectly.
2. The company has a policy not to demote, punish or give negative consequences to employees who reject corruption. Even if doing so will cause the company to lose business opportunities.
3. Company employees should not be neglected when they see an act of corruption related to the company and must inform their supervisors or responsible persons for acknowledgment and cooperation in investigating various facts. If there are any doubts or questions, consult with supervisors or designated persons who are responsible for following up on compliance with the Company’s Code of Conduct through specified channels.
4. The Company will provide protection to the whistleblower, the complainant, or the person who cooperates in the investigation in accordance with the whistleblower protection measure. and mitigate the damage to the reporter, Complainants or those who cooperate in reporting violations or non-compliance with the Code of Conduct and Corporate Governance via complaints channels (Whistleblower).
5. The person who commits corruption is a violation of the Company’s ethics which must be subject to disciplinary action according to the regulations set by the Company. In addition, legal penalties may be imposed if it is an illegal act.
6. The company recognizes the importance of disseminating knowledge and understanding with other people who have to perform duties related to the company or may affect the company in the matter that they have to comply with the Anti-Corruption Policy.
7. The Company operates its business with a commitment to create and maintain an organizational culture that adheres to the belief that corruption is unacceptable. Both transactions with the public and private sectors.
Execution Requirements
1. This Anti-Corruption Policy covers personnel management processes from recruitment or selection, promotion, training, employee performance appraisal and compensation. Supervisors at all levels communicate and understand with employees for use in business activities under their responsibilities and supervise operations to ensure efficiency.
2. Any action according to the anti-corruption policy, use the guidelines set forth in the Company’s Code of Conduct, Corporate Governance Manual, policy and practice guidelines for various groups of stakeholders. Including regulations and operating manuals of related companies as well as any other guidelines that the Company will determine in the future.
3. For clarity in dealing with high risk of corruption, company directors, executives and employees at all levels must exercise caution in the following matters:
3.1 Giving or accepting gifts Entertainment, as stipulated in the Code of Conduct and Corporate Governance Handbook and to create a good norm in doing business. The company has set a policy to refrain from accepting gifts during traditional festivals or any other occasions as follows:
3.1.1 Receiving goods or any other benefits: To maintain good relations between individuals or between organizations. The company allows to do so with a value not exceeding 3,000 baht by assigning executives at the level of department managers or higher to be representatives to receive the award to collect and use for the benefit of the company.
– Souvenirs such as calendars, keychains, notebooks, etc. that are marked with the logo of that organization or perishable food. The company allows the gift to be received with a value not exceeding 1,000 baht by assigning executives at the level of department manager or higher to be representatives for accepting gifts and having the power to consider the distribution of such gifts to employees and must report to the high-level supervisors.
– Requests for support in the form of money or items can be made in an organization-to-organization manner with approval from the Chief Executive Officer or Managing Director authorized to sign only.
– The Company does not allow employees or unauthorized persons to receive items.
3.2 Charitable donations or sponsorships, Giving or receiving donations or sponsorships must be transparent and legal. It must ensure that donations or sponsorships are not used as an excuse for bribery.
3.3 The Company is politically neutral. Do not participate in and concentrate on any political party and Do not use company resources to support political parties or politicians.
3.4 Business relations and procurement with the government are prohibited from giving or accepting bribes in all types of business operations. The Company’s operations and dealings with the government must be transparent, honest and must comply with relevant laws.
4. Complaint channels, whistleblowing and protection measures for whistleblowers. The Company provides opportunities for employees and stakeholders to participate in expressing opinions. To lead to the development, training and improvement of fact-finding management as follows:
4.1 Complaint channels and report clues
∙ Internal channels: Employees can file complaints and report clues to the system for receiving complaints and reporting clues via the Web intranet.
∙ External channels: Complaints or whistleblowers can make complaints and whistleblowers via the company’s website via “Complaint and whistleblowing system”. https://www.plustech.co.th
4.2 Measures to protect informants or whistleblowers
4.2.1 Complainants can choose to remain anonymous if they believe that disclosure may cause damage to them, but must provide sufficient details of facts or evidence to show that there are reasonable grounds to believe that an act has been committed that is a violation of laws, rules, company regulations or business ethics of the company occurs. However, if you choose to disclose yourself, it will allow the recipient of the complaint to act more quickly.
4.2.2 Confidential information is held by the relevant parties, covering as far as one can remember, a summary of the security and reporting of the source of the information or the person concerned at all stages for this information. Received the knowledge of the highest secret level and did not reveal it further because it was contrary to the law of karma in disciplinary violations.
4.2.3 If the complainant considers that he may be unsafe or damage may occur. The complainant can request the company to determine appropriate protection measures. or the company may prescribe protective measures without the complaining person’s request, If it is deemed that it is likely to cause damage or insecurity.
4.2.4 Employees who treat others in unfair ways, discriminate by inappropriate means or cause damage to that other person. Which has a motive from the other person who has complained to inform the complaint or give clues about fraud or non-compliance with laws, rules, and regulations or code of conduct for the business operation of the company, Including the fact that other people sue and prosecute. To be a witness to give statements or cooperate in any way before the court or government agencies is considered a disciplinary offense that must be punished. However, they may be punished according to the law if it is a violation of the law.
4.2.5 Those who have suffered damage will be relieved of damage by means or procedures that are appropriate and fair.
4.3 Fact Check Procedure
4.3.1 Complaint recipients will investigate and gather facts or may assign a trusted person or entity to verify the facts.
4.3.2 Complaint receiver or authorized person can invite any employee to give information or ask to send any documents related to fact-finding.
4.3.3 If verified and found to be true, The company will proceed as follows.
– If the complaint is against the Company against the law rules, regulations, or code of conduct of the company will present the matter with opinions and determine the correct practice guidelines to the authorized persons in the company, Consider taking action and in case of significant matters such as affecting reputation image or financial status of the company conflict with the Company’s business operation policy or related to high-ranking executives, etc., to submit the matter to the Audit Committee or the Board of Directors for consideration.
– In the event that the complaint caused damage to any person will propose appropriate and fair mitigation methods for the victims.