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Supplier Code of Conduct
The Company has prepared a Supplier Code of Conduct for the Company’s business partners to have a correct understanding. and applied as a standard for conducting business together with 5 principles as follows:
1. Business Ethics
Conduct business honestly and fairly with all stakeholders. Disclose information accurately and completely. Maintain confidentiality and respect the intellectual property of others.
2. Labor and Human Rights
Do not unfairly discriminate and give priority to labor protection, especially child labor, women and foreign workers. Do not use forced labor in the form of slave labor. Supervise the payment of wages, benefits and determine the working period correctly and fairly.
3. Occupational Health and Safety
Maintain a healthy and safe working environment. Control the risks of accidents and health impacts that may arise from the work and the provision of personal protective equipment that is sufficient and ready for use at all times.
4. Environment
Operate business by taking into account the impact on natural resources and the environment according to the 3Rs principle, namely reduce and reuse or recycle.
5. Laws and Regulations
Comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and rules.

The company operates business towards excellence with ethics in accordance with the principles of corporate governance along with a commitment to environmental stewardship and social responsibility, which are important factors that lead to the balance of society, environment and business to be able to grow together sustainably. The Company intends to promote this concept to business partners, who are key players in the business operation of the Company to jointly implement such principles and concepts into practice. In addition to the practice of being a good citizen along with corporate governance for society, the environment and anti-corruption, it is also extended to the wider society. Therefore, in order to have a common understanding, the company has prepared “Business partner ethics plus tech innovation” for the Company’s business partners to apply as guidelines in the future.
The Company expects that in addition to compliance relevant laws and regulations, as well as international practices, business partners will apply the principles in Plustech innovation’s business partner ethics as guidelines for business operations. The company will give advice, help, promote and support business partners to conduct business with ethics, respect labor and human freedom and take care of occupational health, safety and environment, etc.
1. Business Ethics

1.1 Business Integrity
Conduct business based on integrity. honesty, ethics, and transparency. Including strictly complying with laws and regulations related to business operations. The company does not do anything which is a method of corruption, bribery by offering or Promise to give money, property, things or any other benefits. Including gaining an advantage over others in order to induce oneself or any other person to receive other benefits that should not be received.
1.2 Fairness
Conduct business with responsibility to ensure that all stakeholders are treated fairly.
1.3 Disclosure of Information
Disclose your own information accurately and completely as required by law.
1.4 Confidentiality
Never disclose or use confidential information of customers and related parties of business partners without their consent.
1.5 Intellectual Property Rights
Respect the intellectual property rights of others and be careful not to infringe them.

2. Labor Rights and Human Rights
2.1 Non-Discrimination
Taking into account human dignity, equality and fairness without discriminating against employees on the basis of differences in mentality, race, nationality, religion, gender, age, education or any other matter.
2.2 Labor Protection
Do not employ child labor under the legal age. In the event that business partners hire child workers who are older than the legal criteria, they must arrange for the workers to be protected by the law in all respects. Including the development and promotion of quality of life and work appropriately. Do not allow female workers to work in a manner that is likely to endanger their health and safety. In the case of an employee who is a pregnant woman, she must provide protection and benefits as required by law. Employment of foreign workers must be performed in accordance with the law, accurately and completely.
2.3 No Forced Labor
Do not use or benefit from forced labor in the manner of slavery. This includes corporal punishment, coercion, imprisonment, harassment, harassment, human trafficking or any form of violence.
2.4 Wages and Benefits
Pay wages, overtime pay, holiday pay and benefits that employees receive correctly, fairly and not lower than the rate required by law to pay wages. Overtime pay or any other benefits that employees must receive on time.
2.5 Working Period
Employees are not allowed to work for longer periods than what is required by law. In this regard, working overtime or working on holidays must be voluntary of the employee. Including providing employees with holidays, leave days not less than the law.
3. Occupational Health and Safety
Seriously working to promote occupational health and the safety of employees, communities, or those involved on an ongoing basis and strive to instill awareness in such matters among employees and related parties to have a duty to comply with the guidelines on various matters that have been specified.

3.1 Encourage all employees to participate in safety operations. Especially at the supervisor level must be a good model in terms of safety and be responsible for safety management that prevents injuries.
3.2 Train employees to work safely and encourage employees to be aware both during and after work hours.
3.3 Provide adequate personal protective equipment for employees that corresponds to the risk and is ready to use and control the usage.
3.4 Employees must comply with the rules of life-saving according to the company’s safety standards.
4. Environment
Conduct business with due regard for the impact on the environment and natural resources by:
4.1 Cooperate in the implementation of international standards or agreements on various matters that have been developed to help prevent or reduce environmental impacts.
4.2 Cooperate in waste disposal or waste with the right method.
4.3 Assess risks and impacts related to the environment, including health and safety. before investing or co-investing in any business.
4.4 Use of natural resources, materials, or equipment effectively and effectively.
4.5 Cooperate with the Company’s natural resource conservation measures, such as the 3Rs policy, Reduce, Reuse/Recycle.

5. Laws and Regulations
Comply with laws, regulations and rules all related. However, if business partners do not comply with the “Plus Tech Innovation Business Partner Code of Conduct”, the Company reserves the right to take any action with business partners based on the impact and damage caused by the code of conduct.
Code of Conduct

1. Treatment of Each Other Under Rights and Liberties
Personal liberty must be protected from abuse, disclosure or the transfer of personal data such as biographies, health records, work history or otherpersonal data to an unrelated party that may cause damage to the owner or any other party.In this regard, harassment is considered a disciplinary offense unless the offender has acted in good faith or by law or for the benefit of the public.
2. Environment, Health and Safety
The Company works seriously to promote the environment, health and safety of employees, communities or related parties on a continual basis and strive to instill awareness in such matters among employees and related parties to have a duty to comply with guidelines on various matters predetermined.
3. Receiving or Giving Assets or Any Other Benefits That May Motivate Decision-making
The Company’s business operations must be carried out accurately and straightforwardly and must be assured that such actions will not cause accusations or tarnishing reputation.
4. Conflicts of Interest
Employees and people related to the company must try to avoid conflicts of interest that may affect any decision-making. However, in performing duties, the interests of the Company must be adhered to under the law and ethics.
5. Procurement
Procurement must be carried out in accordance with the procedures set out in accordance with the Company’s procurement regulations and is fair to all stakeholders. In making decisions, consideration must be given to reasonableness in terms of price, quality and service received. Including being able to give appropriate reasons when checking. In case of uncertainty, carefully study the procurement regulations or inquire with the department responsible for procurement or supervisors before taking any action.

6. Transactions with The Government
In conducting transactions with the government, the company shall avoid any act that may induce the government or its employees to improperly but to the extent appropriate knowing or establishing good relations between them can be done such as meeting and talking in various public places, congratulating on occasions and festivals or according to traditions, etc.

7. Treatment of Information and Property
Employees and related persons of the Company have the duty and responsibility to use the Company’s assets for their full benefit and to ensure that they are not damaged, lost or used for their own benefit or for others. The Company’s assets mean movable properties such as tools, machinery, office equipment. etc. and real estate such as land and buildings. This also includes technology, academic knowledge, proprietary rights, intellectual property and company confidential information.
8. Marketing Communications
The use of marketing communication tools such as advertising, public relations, product or service display must be truthful, appropriate for the environment and fair to all stakeholders.
9. Corporate Transactions
In the event that the subsidiaries in the company have to do transactions between each other, such as services, purchases of raw materials, products, financial assistance, technical support or personnel, etc. Therefore, in conducting business or performing tasks related to such matters, all employees and related parties must take into account the laws, regulations issued by government agencies, company regulations, rules and conditions in each locality.
10. Business Operations in Foreign Countries.
Doing business abroad, whether it is setting up a company, factory, office, branch, agent, distributor or import-export of goods, joint venture or any transaction involving foreign companies, it must comply with the laws and regulations of each country. In addition, the environment, customs, traditions and culture of each locality must be taken into account.
11. Commercial Competition
The Company is committed to fair competition with regard to trade ethics and trade competition laws in the countries in which the Company operates.

12. Anti-Money Laundering Prevention
The Company adheres to the rules and laws related to the prevention of money laundering. That is, the Company will not accept the transfer or
transformation of assets or encourage the acquisition, transfer or transformation of assets related to the commission of an offense in order to prevent any person from using the Company as a channel or tool for Transfer, conceal or disguise the source of illegally acquired property.